Let’s do this!
Here are 9 surprising facts I I know about you:
Fact 1: You are reading this.
Fact 2: You can't say the letter 'm' without touching your lips.
Fact 3: You just tried it.
Fact 4: You're smiling.
Fact 6: You're smiling or laughing again.
Fact 7: You didn't notice I missed fact 5.
Fact 8: You just checked it.
Fact 9: You're smiling again.
The Dumb Answers
Policeman: “Where do you live?”
William: “With my parents.”
Policeman: “Where do your parents live?”
William: “With me.”
Policeman: “Where do you all live?”
William: “Together.”
Policeman: “Where is your house?”
William: “Next to my neighbour’s house.”
Policeman: “Where is your neighbour’s house?”
William: “If I tell you, you won’t believe me.”
Policeman: “Tell me.”
William: “Next to my house.”
Stupid Stands Up
Teacher: "Anyone who thinks they’re stupid, stand up!"
Nobody stands up.
Teacher: "There must be someone stupid here!!"
Little Robert stands up.
Teacher: "Oh, Robert, you think you're stupid?"
Little Robert: "No... I just feel bad that you're standing alone..."
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