全球共举杯!8月9日庆World Baijiu Day世界白酒日!
“许多人不喜欢白酒,因为他们的第一次白酒经历就是不得不“干杯””,世界白酒日的发起人Jim Boyce说, “我们想给人们多种尝试白酒的方法,希望人们有一个良好的初体验,我们希望他们因为喜欢而去进一步探索白酒的多种风格和历史。”
World Baijiu Day世界白酒日旨在让白酒更广为人知,了解中华民族的内在精神和文化。自 2015 年发起,遵循着“超越干杯”的主题,World Baijiu Day世界白酒日于每年8月9日举办(来自8“ba”和9“jiu”,发音类似于白酒)。从墨尔本到明斯克,从斯德哥尔摩到新加坡,从洛杉矶到利马,至今已有60多个城市的合作伙伴参与其中。
在第七届World Baijiu Day世界白酒日来临之际,本期将由Wine to Asia合作伙伴RsA asia联合呈现白酒趋势专栏,以商业角度浅析白酒的市场趋势与数据。
the multi-billion business of the Chinese liquor
Baijiu, which literally means “white liquor”, is a national treasure of China. The birthplace of the “white liquor”, which can range from 35% to 60% alcohol by volume, can be placed in Central China, in the Provinces of Sichuan and Guizhou, where the most important and reputable manufacturers are established. Still, its popularity is spread all around the country. It is possible to find baijiu at every banquet and celebration in China, from wedding receptions to social gatherings. Baijiu is also an essential part of the Chinese business culture and is traditionally served during intense business dinners to build trust and friendship. Besides, high-end baijiu also represents a prestigious gift offered to foreign presidents. It has been used for toasting during official diplomatic events, including the 1972 historic visit of US President Nixon to the Peoples’ Republic of China.
The production and consumption of this grain-based distilled spirit, made from sorghum, wheat, rice, corn, and fermented by using an agent called qu, can be dated back more than a thousand years and is the most consumed alcoholic drink in China. According to the latest data released by CADA, the China Alcoholic Drinks Association, the sales of baijiu accounted for 70% of the revenue in the alcoholic drinks manufacturers industry in 2020, followed from afar by beers and fermented wines.
Baijiu comes with different and rich flavors, such as the strong aroma (that accounted for more than half of baijiu’s sales in 2020), the sauce aroma (27% of the sales in 2020), and light aroma (15% of the sales in 2020), and differs across the different geographical regions: Sichuan is the largest baijiu manufacturer, with a total output of almost 3.7 million kiloliters, accounting for half of the country total production, and 53 manufacturers among the top 200 are established in the Province.
The total production output decreased from 13.6 million kiloliters in 2016 to 7.4 million kiloliters in 2020. The sales revenue in the industry reached 584 billion RMB in 2020, up from the 562 billion RMB sales in 2019. The number of manufacturers reduced from 1,600 in 2017 to 1,040 in 2020 due to the increasing consolidation and concentration of the market. Among these, 19 are large public companies listed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, which together account for 41% of the market share.
The top manufacturers are Kweichow Moutai, with sales accounting for 17% of the industry total), followed by Wuliangye (10% of market share), Yanghe (4% of market share), and Luzhou Laojiao (3%), and are primarily focused on the production of high-end baijiu.
Kweichow Moutai is one of the most reputable baijiu manufacturers, with almost 95 billion (on a total of 98 billion RMB) coming from the sales of baijiu. Established in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, Moutai is one of the most valuable companies worldwide, with a market capitalization exceeding 2,600 billion RMB (around 400 billion USD). Moutai is a very prestigious brand, and its high-end baijiu bottles are considered a status symbol because of the high price, which easily exceeds 1,000 RMB.
Wuliangye, with its headquarters in Yibin, Sichuan Province, is the second-largest manufacturer, mainly producing strong aroma baijiu. The sales from baijiu accounted for 44 billion RMB, and the market value exceeds 1,160 billion RMB (around 170 billion USD).
Other large public companies with baijiu sales exceeding 10 billion RMB are Jiangsu Yanghe (Mengzhilan), Luzhou Laojiao, Shanxi Fenjiu, Beijing Shunxin (Niulanshan), and Anhui Gujing. Besides the most prominent producers, other smaller brands are also appreciated, such as the Shuijingfang, Laobaigan, Gongjiu, or lower-end baijiu like the Red Star Erguotou. ·
Today, the market requires baijiu manufacturers to innovate and improve their production technology constantly, and to pay more attention to new consumers, in China but also abroad: currently, the baijiu’s major consumer group is over 60 years old, with younger Chinese consumers showing less affection to the white spirit and preferring other alcoholic drinks, such as whisky and other western spirits.
The Chinese white spirit is also becoming more and more welcomed outside China, with an increasing number of foreign consumers starting to appreciate the strong flavor of baijiu.
Master Lab
本届Wine to Asia 携手World Baijiu Day世界白酒日将特邀华南头部酒吧Compass首席调酒师殷缨绣Eva及庙前三酉的首席调酒师兼经理姚颖Jackwing,共同呈现 “Baijiu Cocktail白酒鸡尾酒”的制作工坊,以国际化、专业化的视角,重新审视传统中国白酒的无限可塑性。(具体时间安排即将公布)
撰文:Lorenzo Riccardi (RsA asia)
图片来源于RsA asia、World Baijiu Day及网络
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