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视频 | 王辉耀对话耶鲁经济学家斯蒂芬·罗奇—“变化中的中美关系:国际影响与未来发展





While much of 2021 saw the tensions between the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies, mounting to new heights, the bilateral relations nevertheless rebounded in November as the two sides pledged to boost climate cooperation in a joint declaration in Glasgow, following a virtual summit between President Xi and President Biden. As 2021 is drawing to a close, amid worries about the unknown Omicron variant of coronavirus and rising inflation globally, what does the future hold for the world economy? How will the US and China respond to uncertainties in economic outlook and what are the implications?

At 9am (Beijing time), Wednesday, Dec 8th, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) is honored and pleased to be hosting a virtual dialogue between Prof. Stephen S. Roach, Senior Fellow at Yale University and former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, and Dr. Wang Huiyao, CCG President.

CCG 图书

● 出版 | 中信出版集团

● 作者 | 王辉耀,苗绿




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