懂得包容自己和他人的过失,而不是事事追求完美;懂得谦让和低头,而不是时时争强好胜。能够看到他人的付出和恩德,常有感恩之心,而不是充满抱怨和批评;知道自己要走的路并能够持之以恒地努力;有敬畏之心。 这是一个品性成熟的人应该具有的特质。
A mature person understands and tolerates the mistakes of himself and others instead of invariably demanding perfect results; he is willing to make concessions rather than being eager to win all the time. A mature person admires others' contribution and kindness and is grateful instead of full of criticism and complaints; he is clear about his own direction and keeps striving towards it; he has sense of awe. Such are the characteristics a mature person ought to have.
Source: Longquan International
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