3月9日,华大主导的一项多组学研究成果刊登于国际学术期刊Cell Reports,研究团队利用多组学生物指标开发了测量各种器官、系统生物年龄的工具,并发现个体不同器官和系统拥有不同生物学年龄。
该研究成果引发国内外媒体广泛关注,一经发布即获人民日报、科技日报、新华社、光明日报、科学网、测序中国、生物探索、深圳特区报等百余家国内知名媒体及英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)、GenomeWeb等20余家英文媒体报道,德语、意大利语、荷兰语媒体同步发稿。
此外,国际遗传学大会(International Congress of Genetics)官方推特转载华大报道,该大会由国际遗传学联合会(IGF)组织,以研讨当代研究的最佳成果、预测学科未来发展为目的。
People are aging constantly, but individual organs have their own pace. The study published on Wednesday in the journal Cell Reports reported multiple "clocks" within the human body. An international team led by Chinese scientists measured the varying biological ages of his or her organ systems.
Daily Mail(创立于1896年,英国最大、历史最悠久的都市类信息媒体)
Young at heart! Our organs can age at different rates no matter your overall health with a healthier gut often correlating with aged kidneys, study finds
“Our study used approaches that can help improve our understanding of aging and—more importantly—could be used some day in real healthcare practice,” says co-corresponding author Xun Xu of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) and China National GeneBank (CNGB) in Shenzhen, China. “We used biomarkers that could be identified from blood and stool samples plus some measurements from a routine body checkup.”
GenomeWeb (全球知名生物科技信息网站)
Using metabolomic and other multiomic features, a team from China, Russia, and Singapore has estimated biological ages in different organ systems from thousands of young adults, where biological aging appeared to vary from organ to organ.
Nach Welt (德)
“Unsere Studie verwendete Ansätze, die dazu beitragen können, unser Verständnis des Alterns zu verbessern, und – was noch wichtiger ist – eines Tages in der realen Gesundheitspraxis eingesetzt werden könnten”, sagte Co-Autor Xun Xu vom Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) und der China National GeneBank ( CNGB) in Shenzhen, China.
“我们 的研究使用的方法可以帮助提高我们对衰老的理解,更重要的是,有朝一日可以用于现实世界的健康实践。” 深圳华大生命科学研究院院长徐讯说。
Un team internazionale guidato da scienziati cinesi ha misurato le diverse età biologiche dei sistemi di organi e ha scoperto che questi non sono sempre sincronizzati tra loro, anche se il peso e la forma fisica incidono.
由 中国科学家领导的一个国际团队测量了器官系统的不同生物学年龄,发现这些器官系统并不总是同步的,即使体重和健康会影响器官系统。
En dat in tegenstelling tot eerdere onderzoeken niet onder ouderen die veelal aan chronische ziekten lijden, maar onder jonge en gezonde volwassenen, waarbij het verouderingsproces nog grotendeels onbekend is.
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