咸丰年间正值太平天国革命运动的高潮时期。此时民怨沸腾,清政府财政拮据,国库亏空.在钱币铸造上大做文章,将财政危机转嫁到老百姓身上。相继铸造"咸丰通宝"、"咸丰重宝"、"咸丰元宝"等种类繁多的钱币.咸丰元年首铸"咸丰通宝"制钱。由于太平天国革命运动的发生,和鸦片战争的爆发.钱局铸造制钱已很难正常进行,很多省的钱局实际上处于停铸状态,即使开铸,也是偷工减料 。因而造成咸丰通宝制钱精品少 ,而粗制滥造的多,大都质劣而轻小,或以铁钱、铅钱代替铜钱。
The reign of xianfeng was at the height of the taiping rebellion. At this time, the people were seething with anger, and the qing government was financially strapped and the state Treasury was empty. Xianfeng tongbao, xianfeng zhongbao, xianfeng ingot treasure and so on. In the first year of xianfeng, "xianfeng tongbao" was first cast to make money. Due to the occurrence of the revolutionary movement of the taiping heavenly kingdom and the outbreak of the opium war, it was difficult for the money bureau to make money in a normal way. As a result, xianfeng tongbao made money boutique less, and more rough, mostly inferior and light, or iron money, lead money instead of copper money.
此枚咸丰重宝当十,形制为方孔圆钱,包浆老气,字迹纹饰清晰,正面铸有 “咸丰重宝”四字,从上而下而右而左直读;上下铭有 “当十”二字。此枚钱币品质精良,铸工精细,包浆老气,字体清晰,没丝毫拖泥带水,是难得一见的上品,珍罕无比。咸丰重宝当十,虽然是咸丰大钱中计值较低的品种,但是由于铸造时间早,流通区域广,在诸多咸丰大钱之中,咸丰重宝当十钱币尤为珍稀。
This piece of xianfeng heavy treasure when ten, shape for the square hole round money, wrapped with old spirit of grouting, handwriting decoration is clear, the front cast "xianfeng heavy treasure" four words, from the top down and right and left straight read; Above and below the inscription has "when ten" two words. This coin is of excellent quality, fine casting, old - fashioned paste, clear font, without any drags, it is a rare and rare top quality. Xianfeng heavy treasure when ten, although it is xianfeng big money in the lower value of the variety, but as a result of casting time early, the circulation area is wide, in a lot of xianfeng big money, xianfeng heavy treasure when ten COINS is particularly rare.
As time goes by, ancient COINS show a high collection value and economic value. As the ancient money treasures in the collection, xianfeng heavy treasure coinage technology is exquisite and excellent, is the love of many coin collection enthusiasts and research experts, thus also show the excellent market collection value, and with the passing of years will have greater value preservation and appreciation ability.
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