1989 毕业于上海戏剧学院表演系,1993 毕业上海音乐学院声乐系,2009 上海社科院工商管理硕士研究生毕业;1989 留任上海戏剧学院表演系工作近 30 年,开设《声乐》《舞台语言发声训练》《影视表演》《影视制片管理》《文化项目策划》等课程;曾任《上海文化》杂志社副社长;现任华夏文化促进会非遗分会副会长。青岛电影学院表演系主任。
多年来从事艺术教育,培养大批影视演员和戏剧人才;担任多部影视剧演员、导演、制片人及音乐剧导演;2019 举办上海国际艺术节⻘年创想周个人绘画展;2020 上海音乐、舞蹈、器乐、美术、语言大赛获金奖;2021 参加北京南北艺术对话绘画展;2021 翰墨同春—首届北京.夏威夷 国际书画展获得创新银奖; 2022 作品被
艺术家邮票珍藏!2022 荣获爱国艺术家大使!多幅绘画作品被海内外收藏家收藏!
近年来,凭藉着自己长期对文化活动的创作积累及不羁的个性方向,转化、 建立了以布面、纸面丙烯为媒介的绘画语言空间。这是一个令人惊喜的空间、一个属于自我心性之所在的自由空间。在这里、用自己的表达方式明晰的审度阐述着内心和物象间的真实距离,以温暖的力量与活力突破技术的樊篱,不自觉地避开了绘画过程中某些规律性的制约,也暂时回避了对当代艺术服从性的摹 拟、追随。如同孩童、简单有效解决着本源就不应陈杂的绘画真相。 其实,已经踏上了迷情、艰辛、罄其一生的绘画之路,相望能守住自己的爱,诠释更 多的生命情怀和属于自己语境的作品, 如果、成为可能...
Tan Xiaoyin
Contemporary painting artists
Graduated from the performance Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1989, the Vocal Music Department of Shanghai Conservatory of music in 1993, and the master of Business Administration of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in 2009; In 1989, he remained in the performance Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy for nearly 30 years, offering courses such as vocal music, stage language voice training, film and television performance, film and television production management, and cultural project planning; He once served as the vice president of Shanghai culture magazine; He is currently the vice president of the intangible cultural heritage branch of the Chinese Culture Promotion Association. Director of the performance Department ofQingdao Film Academy.
He has been engaged in art education for many years and trained a large number of film and television actors and drama talents; Acting as an actor, director, producer and director of a number of film and television plays; 2019 Shanghai International Art Festival creative week individual painting exhibition; 2020 Shanghai music, dance, instrumental music, art and language competition won the gold medal; Participated in the North South Art dialogue painting exhibition in Beijing in 2021; 2021 calligraphy in spring - the first Beijing Hawaii International Painting and calligraphy exhibition won the silver award for innovation; The 2022 works were collected by the international peace artist stamps celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Chinese people's Liberation Army and the 2022 United Nations International Day of peace! Won the title of patriotic artist ambassador in 2022! Many paintings have been collected by collectors at home and abroad!
In recent years, relying on his long-term creative accumulation of cultural activities and uninhibited personality direction, he has transformed and established a painting language space with cloth and paper acrylic as the media. This is a surprising space, a free space that belongs to the heart of self. Here, I use my own way of expression to clearly judge the real distance between my heart andobjects, break through the technical barriers with warm strength and vitality, unconsciously avoid some regular constraints in the painting process, and temporarily avoid imitating and following the obedience of contemporary art. Like a child, it simply and effectively solves the truth of painting, which should not be complicated. In fact, he has embarked on the painting road of infatuation, hardship and exhaustion. If he can hold his love and interpret more life feelings and works belonging to his own context, it will become possibl
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
谭晓寅 2022 原创当代绘画艺术作品
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