Allectra同轴型Sub-D/D-Sub真空馈通,Combination Sub-D:Coaxial Versions,本站Allectra产品型号齐全,价格优惠,如本页未找到您所需要的产品,请联系我们15301310116(微信同号)
Coaxial Mixed Sub.D feedtrhoughs are a good choice,if a floating shield coaxial connection is required, but the impedance is not an issue.
Up to 5 floating shield coaxials are offered in onefeedthrough in the shell size of a standard 25-way Sub-D
以上就是北京麦迪森科技有限公司提供的Allectra同轴型Sub-D/D-Sub真空馈通 ,如本页面未找到您需要的产品,请咨询客服。
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