2022年 9月 17日,印度驻华公使 Dr.Acquino Vimal和夫人Darshini Vimal参观了国创艺术馆,了解艺术馆的概况和故事,与馆长巴拉特·辛格(Bharat Singh)和丽金博士(Gurjinder Kaur)进行了密切的交流。希望与国创艺术馆有更多的国际文化交流和务实的合作。
印度驻华公使 Dr.Acquino Vimal 和夫人 Darshini Vimal第一次到访国创艺术馆
Dr.Acquino Vimal, Indian DCM to China and his wife Darshini Vimal visited GCG Art Museum for the first time
印度公使Aquino Vimal和夫人Darshini Vimal在国创艺术馆受到馆长巴拉特·辛格和丽金博士的接见
Indian DCM to China Dr. Aquino Vimal and his wife Darshini Vimal were received by Director Bharat Singh and Dr. Gurjinder Kaur at GCG Art Museum
Director Bharat Singh and Dr. Gurjinder Kaur describing each work of the art museum to the distinguished guests
The Indian DCM to China and his wife admired the work "Peace-Freedom" by Director Dr. Gurjinder Kaur
印度驻华大使馆文化参赞 Rajashree Behera非常赞赏馆长丽金博士的《和平·自由》作品
Rajashree Behera, Cultural Counselor of the Indian Embassy in China, highly appreciate the work "Peace-Freedom" by Director Dr. Gurjinder Kaur
Xanadu Culture Exhibition Hall
国创艺术馆内有元上都文化展厅,在这里展示元朝文化。馆长巴拉特·辛格为印度驻华公使Dr.Acquino Vimal 和夫人 Darshini Vimal讲解元上都遗址的故事,并为其展示《世界遗产元上都史画》一书,以历史画卷的形式,展示中国元朝的发展历程,谈到在十三四世纪时,曾是西方人憧憬的“世外桃源”,现在申请为世界遗产后,再度受到世界的关注。
Director Bharat Singh introducing the Xanadu culture book to distinguish guests
The trophy and printing award recommendation certificate issued by Beijing Printing Association for the "World Heritage Xanadu Historical Paintings"
Indian DCM to China and his wife admiring Xanadu culture prints at gallery
Indian DCM to China and his wife appreciated the Mongolian horse work by sculptor Shen Hongbiao.
Distinguished guests admiring Director Dr. Gurjinder Kaur's artwork "Dream-Yoga"
2022年 6月 18日,印度驻华大使馆联合印梵西瓦瑜伽在使馆花园广场围绕着印度著名雕塑家丽金(Gurjinder Kaur)的雕塑作品《梦·瑜伽》,举办了国际瑜伽日活动。之后印度大使馆谈到会将《梦·瑜伽》衍生品做为礼物批量生产。
Director Dr. Gurjinder Kaur's art work "Dream·Yoga" (Stainless Steel) recently at Embassy premises during World Yoga Day function.
印度驻华大使罗国栋(Pradeep Kumar Rawat)为馆长丽金博士的作品颁发了“优秀展示”证书
Pradeep Kumar Rawat, Indian Ambassador to China, presented certificate of "Excellent Display" to Director Dr. Gurjinder Kaur for her art work "Dream·Yoga"
Distinguished guests at Director Bharat Singh's art work "Sweet Memories"
2022 年 10 月 12 日,印度驻华公使夫人 Darshini Vimal 安排并带领瑞士驻华公使夫人Nadereh、挪威驻华公使夫人 Vicky、澳大利亚驻华公使夫人 Anna参观国创艺术馆。
The DCM wives of Australia, India, Norway and Switzerland
Embassies to China, discussing with the founders of the GCG Art Museum Mr. Bharat Singh, Mr. Wang Dong and Dr. Gurjinder Kaur
Host and guest had merry time discussing contemporary art and future collaboration
The wife of the Norwegian DCM Mrs Vicky seems curious about the life of an artist in China, had many interesting questions in this concern
Hosts enjoying answering questions of the guests
“Discussing art is the value time” Singh Brother & Sister said
The wives of DCM from many countries visited,enjoyed and admired each art work at the GCG Art Museum
印度公使夫人Darshini Vimal、王栋先生和丽金博士参观艺术馆
Mrs Darshini Vimal the wife of Indian DCM to China with Mr. Wang Dong and Dr. Gurjinder Kaur
Director Bharat Singh showing art works to the distinguished guests
Guests sharing their feelings about the art works during gallery visit
Distinguished guests admiring the “Rain of flowers”, Director Bharat Singh's installation art work.
Director Bharat Singh showing his art work“Lets Walk Together”to the distinguished guests
Mrs Nadereh,the wife of the Swiss DCM to China and Director Bharat Singh with Gurjinder Kaur’s art work “Dream.Lotus Pond”.
挪威公使夫人Vicky 欣赏丽金博士最近色彩缤纷的艺术作品《和平·自由》
The wife of the Norwegian DCM Mrs Vicky admiring the “Peace.Freedom”Dr. Gauri’s recent colorful art work
Distinguished guests watching at displayed posters of Art Museum’s earlier events
Distinguished guests in-front of Director Bharat Singh’s art work “In Love”
Director Bharat Singh describing the theme of small size recent art works
Distinguished guests getting ready to take a group shot in-front of “Waiting”, Director Bharat Singh's installation art work
贵宾在馆长巴拉特·辛格的作品《等待》前合影留念, 当人们与艺术作品互动时,作品显得更有灵气
Distinguished Guests with big smile taking a group shot in-front of “Waiting”, Director Bharat Singh's installation art work. The installation get alive as they indulge with in the art work.
The wife of the Norwegian DCM Mrs Vicky with “Sweet Memories” Director Bharat Singh’s art work
Distinguished guests at Director Bharat Singh's art work "Sweet Memories"
Distinguished guests In the Xanadu Culture Exhibition Hall watched the PPT of GCG Culture Company and presentation of the artistic achievements of the Singh brother and sister and learned about their outstanding achievements in the industry and their recognition and influence in the society
Distinguished Guests at the Xanadu Art Gallery in the GCG Art Museum
Director Bharat Singh showing art works PPT to Distinguished Guests at the Xanadu Art Gallery in the GCG Art Museum
Distinguished Guests enjoying watching large scale art works through PPT at the Xanadu Art Gallery in the GCG Art Museum
瑞士驻华公使夫人 Nadereh 在讨论中
Mrs Nadereh,the wife of the Swiss DCM to China and Director Bharat Singh during the discussion.
Distinguished Guests interestingly watching and listening the inspirational sources of art works
挪威驻华公使夫人Vicky、印度公使夫人Darshini Vimal和馆长丽金在讨论中
The wife of the Norwegian DCM Mrs Vicky, the wife of the Indian DCM to China Mrs Darshini Vimal and Director Curator Dr. Gurjinder Kaur during discussion
澳大利亚驻华公使夫人 Anna 在讨论中
Mrs Anna the wife of Australian DCM to China during discussion
印度驻华公使夫人 Darshini Vimal 在讨论中
Mrs Darshini Vimal the wife of Indian DCM to China, during discussion.
Experiencing Dining at GCG Art Museum
Chinese Hotpot is ready for distinguished guests at Art Museum
“Each of us is fond of hotpot”
Delicious food and artistic atmosphere-one of the grate desire of high standard people
在美丽的艺术空间里,艺术的话题延伸到食品和饮料。 在享用世界第一美食“ 中餐” 的过程中,大家分享了自己独特的艺术经历。各位贵宾也纷纷表达了希望近期带家人朋友再次参观国创艺术馆的兴奋之情。
In the beautiful art space, the topic of art extends to food and beverages. During enjoying the worlds number one cuisine "Chinese meal", everyone shared their special art experiences. Distinguished guests also expressed their recent excitement to very soon visit the GCG art museum with their family and friends,once again 。
GCG Art Museum
GCG Art Museum is founded at Beijing, China by Mr. Wang Dong an art lover and art promoter and Singh Brother & Sister artists Bharat Singh, Dr.Gurjinder Kaur. GCG Art Museum promotes the advancement and development of Chinese contemporary art, focusing on the exhibition and display of artworks. The exhibition area is composed of indoor public art space and outdoor large-scale sculpture park. It is committed to art communication and aesthetic education for the public, especially for the young generation. By building an international cultural and art exchange platform, it will spread Chinese culture, introduce world civilization, and promote the exchange and integration of Chinese art and world art.
Singh Brother & Sister Art
Singh Brothers & Sisters Art Space shows the art works by Singh brother and sister, brother Bharat Singh and sister Dr. Gurjinder Kaur. The themes of the works are mostly love, peace, harmony and concern for the environment. The art space also hosts lectures and seminars on such topics with the international community. Art spaces also contribute to creative product design, the design of indoor and outdoor spaces.
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