Chinese New Year is coming soon! In Guangzhou, one of the most important traditions before the Spring Festival is to visit a flower streetwhich is called “Hang Fa Gai”in Cantonese.
Flower is a long-standing symbol of romance in Guangzhou. For most of the Cantonese, buying flowers for the New Year is normally how they start the celebration of the Spring Festival. People hope the colorful flowers could bring "good luck" to them in the coming year.
In addition to flowers, a wide variety of Spring Festival decorations and snacks can also be found in Guangzhou's flower street. Strolling down the street, you can feel the vibrant, authentic flavor of Cantonese New Year. For the non-natives, this is the best way to blend in with the local life of Guangzhou.
This year Guangdong unveiled a special roadmap that incorporates more than 20 internet-famous tourist attractions across the region with vibrant Cantonese-styled festive vibe, centering around various themes like traditional Spring Festival practices,intangible cultural heritage folk customs and trendy recreations. In addition vouchers worth 300 million yuan were handed out across the 21 cities in the province. Welcome to experience a Cantonese New Year in Guangdong!
今年广东推出“广东年味潮玩地图”,囊括了广东全省20多个精选好去处,汇集包括传统年味、非遗民俗、活力潮玩等多个不同主题的旅行打卡点。此外,广东省商务厅、广东省文化和旅游厅组织开展广东“粤消费 粤精彩”消费券活动,21个地市同步参与,在全省范围内发放3亿元消费券。快来广东体验粤式年味吧!
拍摄:庄欢 黄子豪 吴婉婕
内容审校:黄燕淑 黄子豪
海外运营监制: 黄燕淑
海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪
海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬
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