Summary of leptospirosis prevalence and influencing factors
【Abstract】Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic Leptospira. It has a global distribution and can cause target organ failure and even death. With the emergence of global warming, tourism development, animal habitat destruction, ecosystem imbalances and other problems, the risk of Leptospira zoonosis has significantly increased. This article reviews leptospirosis etiology, epidemiology and influencing factors, to enable comprehensive understanding, and effective prevention and control of the disease, and to lay a foundation for future research aimed at protecting the life and health of the population.
Characteristics of Borrelia burgdorferi infection in rodents
【摘要】莱姆病(Lyme disease,LD)是由伯氏疏螺旋体(Borrelia burgdorferi)感染引起的一种新发蜱传人兽共患传染病,啮齿动物是该病重要宿主动物之一。近年来,随着生态旅游的兴起,人与宿主动物接触机会大大增加,莱姆病发生呈现上升趋势。明确莱姆病的病原特征及啮齿动物自然感染伯氏疏螺旋体情况,有助于评估莱姆病在人群中发生的风险和预测疾病发生的可能性,对防控人类莱姆病发生起到关口前移的作用。
【Abstract】Lyme disease (LD) is a tick-borne zoonotic infectious disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, for which rodents are an important host. In recent years, with the rise of ecotourism, the chances of contact between humans and host animals have increased substantially, and the incidence of LD has similarly grown. Clarification of the pathogenic characteristics of LD and natural B. burgdorferi infection in rodents can help to assess the risk of LD in a population and predict the likelihood of disease occurrence, thus aiding the prevention and control of human LD.
Identification and functional exploration of OmpR family TCS in Leptospira
【摘要】目的 建立钩端螺旋体(钩体)OmpR家族双组分系统(TCS)的鉴定方法,初步探讨OmpR家族TCS在钩体感染人巨噬细胞过程中对钩体主要外膜蛋白(OMPs)表达水平的调控作用。方法 采用生物信息学技术预测致病性钩体赖株TCS的组氨酸激酶(HK)和应答调节蛋白(RR)OmpR功能结构域。采用激酶活性检测试剂盒和细菌双杂交技术进一步验证各HK激酶活性以及各HK与RR的相互作用。采用qRT-PCR法检测HK抗血清封闭前后钩体主要OMPs基因mRNA水平的变化。结果 钩体56601株中LA2828、LA1710含有HATPase_c激酶催化结构域,LA2827、LA1709含有Response_reg与OmpR功能结构域,提示其分别可构成HK/OmpR-TCS。体外重组HK-2828和HK-1710蛋白均具有激酶活性,且分别与OmpR-2827和OmpR-1709存在直接的相互作用。HK-2828抗体封闭处理可使感染过程中显著下降的外膜蛋白编码基因lipL32、lipL41和ompL1的mRNA水平明显回升。结论 成功构建钩体OmpR家族-TCS鉴定及功能探究体系,为阐明感染过程中问号钩体OMPs表达改变调控机制,以及制定基因工程疫苗OMPs抗原筛选新策略提供依据。
【Abstract】This study was aimed at establishing a method for identifying the OmpR family two-component system (TCS) in Leptospira interrogans, and to explore the effects of these proteins in regulating changes in the expression of leptospiral major outer membrane protein (OMP) during infection of human macrophages. Bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the domains of HK/OmpR-TCS proteins in Leptospira. A kinase activity detection kit and bacterial two-hybrid analysis were used to detect HK kinase activity, and the interactions between HKs and RRs, respectively. Real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to detect changes in the expression of leptospiral OMP genes during infection of macrophages with or without HK-antibody block assay. LA1710 and LA2828 contained the HATPase_c domain, and LA1709 and LA2827 contained the Response reg and OmpR functional domain. The recombinant HK-2828 and HK-1710 proteins showed kinase activity and direct interaction with OmpR-2827 and OmpR-1709, respectively. The treatment with HK-2828 antibody partly reversed the infection-based down-regulated mRNA levels of lipL32, lipL41 and ompL1 genes (P<0.05). The system for identification and functional investigation of OmpR family TCS was successfully constructed. This study provides a basis for elucidating the regulatory mechanisms of OMP expression changes in leptospires during infection, and developing a new OMP antigen screening strategy for genetically engineered vaccines.
Epidemiological surveillance and typing of Leptospira strains in rodents in Hunan Province during 2020—2022
【摘要】目的 初步了解湖南省钩端螺旋体病主要宿主动物鼠类的流行病学概况及分离菌株血清学和MLST基因型特征。方法 2020-2022年在湖南省湘潭、涟源、双峰及浏阳4个钩体病监测点,开展鼠种构成调查、钩体分离培养、菌株鉴定工作。采用暗视野显微凝集试验(Microscopic agglutination test, MAT)对分离菌株开展血清群鉴定。利用MLST (Multilocus sequence typing)方法开展基因分型分析,分别对7个位点(glmU、pntA、sucA、tpiA、pfkB、mreA和caiB)进行普通PCR扩增、测序、序列分析。结果 4个湖南钩体病监测点共捕啮齿类和食虫目动物461只,平均鼠密度为2.52%,共分离菌株56株,来源于黑线姬鼠、黄胸鼠和鼩鼱3个种类,钩体分离率是12.15%。湖南省4个监测点以黑线姬鼠为优势鼠种,占88.72%。经MAT鉴定显示:56株湖南钩体分离株隶属于黄疸出血群和澳洲群两个血清群,黄疸出血群为当地主要流行血清群,占94.64%。MLST分型结果显示:56株湖南省分离株ST型别包括ST1、ST128和ST105 3个基因型,其中ST1(57.14%)和ST128(37.50%)为湖南主要流行ST型。利用BioNumerics软件进行UPGMA聚类分析显示:56株菌株被分为3个不同Clades,分别对应3个不同ST型,ST型分布在不同动物种类和地域上呈现明显差异。结论 黄疸出血群、ST1和ST128为湖南省主要流行型别,初步了解湖南省钩端螺旋体病鼠类动物流行病学概况及流行菌株分子分型特征,对湖南省钩体病的防控和疫苗制备提供科学依据。
【Abstract】To investigate the epidemiology and conduct etiological characterization of pathogenic Leptospira, we trapped 461 rodents and soricidae belonging to seven species in four regions with leptospirosis cases in Hunan province during 2020-2022. The density of rodents was 2.52%, and the most prevalent rodent species in these four regions was Apodemus agrarius. A total of 56 pathogenic Leptospira isolates from Apodemus agrarius, Rattus flavipectus and Sorex araneus Linnaeus were successfully isolated; the isolation rate in rodents was 12.15%. Microscopic agglutination tests (MATs) with 15 Chinese standard serogroup-specific rabbit antisera were conducted for serogroup identification. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) based on seven loci ( glmU, pntA, sucA, tpiA, pfkB, mreA and caiB) was performed for genotyping. Two serogroups were identified among the 56 Leptospira isolates. Icterohaemorrhagiae was the dominate serogroup, accounting for 94.64%. Three sequence types (STs), ST1, ST128 and ST105, were identified through MLST analysis. ST1 (57.14%) and ST128 (37.50%) were the dominant STs in Hunan. Phylogenetic analysis using UPGMA in BioNumerics software version 5.1 identified three clades (clades 1-3) corresponding to three different STs among the 56 pathogenic Leptospira isolates. The leptospiral diversity of STs differed across animal species and regions in Hunan. Icterohaemorrhagiae was the main serogroup; and ST1 and ST128 were the main STs in Hunan. The epidemiology of rodents and the detailed serological and molecular characteristics of strains circulating in this province may aid in developing strategies or guidelines for vaccine preparation and the control of leptospirosis in Hunan.
Investigation and analysis of the genetic diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi in host animals and vector ticks from western Yunnan Province
【摘要】目的 了解云南省西部地区宿主动物和媒介蜱感染伯氏疏螺旋体的基因多样性,为进一步掌握该地区莱姆病菌株的特性奠定基础。方法 对采用伯氏疏螺旋体5S~23S rRNA间隔区基因筛查阳性的云南西部地区采集的家畜、小型兽类、蜱虫样本,进行伯氏疏螺旋体鞭毛蛋白基因(FLA基因)和16S rRNA基因的检测,综合分析病原体的基因信息,了解当地流行株的生物学特性及流行特征。结果 共检测301份样本,共检出7种基因型伯氏疏螺旋体,其中宿主动物共检出5种:B.afzelii(阿弗西尼疏螺旋体)、B.garinii(伽氏疏螺旋体)、B.burgdorferi s.s.(狭义伯氏疏螺旋体)、B.japonica(日本疏螺旋体)、B.valaisiana(法雷斯疏螺旋体);媒介蜱检出7种:B.afzelii(阿弗西尼疏螺旋体)、B.garinii(伽氏疏螺旋体)、B.burgdorferi s.s.(狭义伯氏疏螺旋体)、B.japonica(日本疏螺旋体)、B.valaisiana(法雷斯疏螺旋体)、B.sinica(中华基因型伯氏疏螺旋体)及未定种Borrelia sp.。B.afzelii、B.garinii和B.burgdorferi s.s.为优势流行株,占总阳性的85.04%(256/301)。不同地区、不同来源的相同基因型株基因序列存在种内差异,同一地区的宿主和媒介中检出的相同基因型螺旋体具有较高的同源性和较近的遗传进化关系。结论 云南西部地区宿主和媒介感染伯氏疏螺旋体基因型具有较高的多样性特征,存在多种致病基因型,给当地人群的健康造成一定危害,需加强防范。
【Abstract】This study was aimed at understanding the genetic diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi infected by host animals and vector ticks in the western region of Yunnan province, to provide a basis to characterize epidemic strains or genotypes in this region. Genomic DNA templates were extracted from livestock, small mammals and tick specimens in western Yunnan province, and Borrelia DNA was identified through nested PCR amplification of the 5S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region. Positive samples were further tested with 16S rRNA amplification and verified with the flagellin (FLA) gene. Five genotypes of B. burgdorferi sensu lato were detected in the host animals: B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi s. s., B. japonica and B. valaisiana. Seven genotypes were found in vector ticks: B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi s. s., B. japonica, B. valaisiana, B. sinica and Borrelia sp. Moreover, B. afzelii, B. garinii and B. burgerdorferi s. s. were found to be the dominant genotypes, accounting for 85.04% (256/301) of all positive samples. Intraspecific variations were observed in the same genotype of B. burgdorferi from different regions and specimen sources. B. burgdorferi detected in hosts and vectors in the same region showed high homology and close phylogenetic relationships. The high genetic diversity of B. burgdorferi in the hosts and vectors from western Yunnan, and their pathogenicity to humans, indicate potential health hazards to local residents. Prevention and control of Lyme borreliosis must urgently be strengthened in these regions.
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