You can start doing what you want at any time, and I hope you don't use age and other factors to constrain yourself. Age is never a limit, unless you make it difficult for yourself.
People should spend their entire lives with comfortable people, including friends and family. When they feel tired, they should stay away and try to please others. It's better to cultivate oneself than to be proud and lonely, rather than compromise against their will.
Everyone has a lamp in their heart, the strong never go out with the wind, while the weak go out with the wind.
There are still many beautiful things waiting for you in the world, don't complain, and don't give up, so you need to be gentle in your heart, quiet and work hard.
祝你历遍山河 ,依然觉得人生值得。
Wishing you to travel through mountains and rivers, yet still feel that life is worth it.
As long as you don't pay attention to anyone's movements, don't speculate on anyone's thoughts, don't imagine things that haven't happened, be simple, slow down, you will find that you are living very comfortably.
Do something that doesn't disappoint your mental state.
Weak people are always afraid of being exposed and dislike those who tell the truth.
First calm down, then think about it, and do it with five or six percent certainty.
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