Economic factors like inflation and interest rates are making it hard for some Americans to make ends meet, survey data shows. More people are carrying debt on their credit cards than they have since the early pandemic days.调查数据显示,通货膨胀和利率等经济因素使一些美国人难以维持收支平衡。自疫情初期以来,背负信用卡债务的美国人比以往任何时候都多。
Fifty percent of credit cardholders carry debt from month to month. That’s up from 44 percent in January and is the highest figure Bankrate has observed since March 2020.50%的信用卡持有人每月都有卡债,比今年1月的44%有所上升,是2020年3月以后银率网观察到的最高纪录。
“High inflation and high interest rates have eroded Americans’ savings and more people are carrying more debt for longer periods of time,” says Ted Rossman, Bankrate senior credit card analyst.银率网高级信用卡分析师泰德·罗斯曼称:“高通胀和高利率侵蚀了美国人的储蓄,更多的人在更长的时间内背负着更多的债务。”
“Since the beginning of 2021, credit card balances have been off to the races. According to Federal Reserve data, Americans owe 45 percent more now on their credit cards than they did in early 2021. And the credit card delinquency rate is at its highest point since 2011,” he continues.“自2021年初以来,美国人的信用卡欠款余额一直在攀升。根据美联储数据,美国人现在的信用卡欠款比2021年初多45%。信用卡拖欠率处于2011年以来的最高点。”
The length of time cardholders are carrying debt may be a sign balances have become more difficult to pay off. Three in 5 of those with credit card debt (60 percent) have been in credit card debt for at least a year, up from 50 percent in 2021.持卡人背负债务的时间长度可能表明欠款余额变得越来越难以偿还。五分之三(60%)的信用卡债务持卡人已经负债至少一年,高于2021年的50%。
The survey data shows that Americans feel the economy isn’t helping their debt situation.调查数据显示,美国人觉得美国的经济现状无助于缓解他们的债务状况。
About a third (34 percent) of credit card debtors say inflation has made their credit card debt burdens worse since the beginning of 2022, which is when the Fed started raising interest rates to counteract increasing inflation.大约三分之一(34%)的信用卡债务人表示,自2022年初美联储开始激进加息以抑制通胀以来,通货膨胀使他们的信用卡债务负担更加沉重。
A similar share (32 percent) say high interest rates have made their credit card debt burdens worse since the beginning of 2022.相似比例(32%)的信用卡债务人表示,自2022年初以来,高利率使他们的信用卡债务负担更加沉重。
Roughly one in four Americans with credit card debt (24 percent) feel less confident in their ability to get out of credit card debt now than they did at the beginning of 2022. Furthermore, about one in six (17 percent) worry they might not be able to make their minimum credit card payments at some point in the next six months.与2022年初相比,约四分之一(24%)背负信用卡债务的美国人对还清卡债的信心下降。约六分之一(17%)的债务人担心他们可能在未来半年内出现无力支付最低还款额的情况。
审校:齐磊 陈丹妮
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