Yang Lizhou: Fusing East and West, Tracing the Source and Reaching the Pinnacle
Yang Lizhou, born in the year of Renwu (1942) in Linyi, Shanxi, is skilled in oil painting, Chinese painting, calligraphy,and art criticism. His character is sincere and passionate, with a broad-minded approach. He delves deeply into his craft,achieving a balance of form and spirit, often imbued with transcendental insight and natural fluidity. In his youth, heroamed the foothills of Mount Hua and the banks of the Yellow River before studying painting at the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, a place once favored by Tang and Sui literati. The vastness of the northern Loess Plateau and the depth of itscultural heritage gradually merged with his heart, becoming a wellspring of inspiration. The era and regional culture shaped his artistic temperament and emotional depth.
Every artist has their foundation, and for Yang, it is the people and landscapes of the North. The Loess Plateau and the banks of the Yellow River, where people live hard yet optimistic lives, are viewed by Yang as the roots of his existence and his life’s companions. Depicting their survival and emotions became the central theme of his work. Besides grand thematic paintings, he also created series depicting shepherd children from Shanxi and northern Shaanxi, as well as horsemen from Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, where one can sense the vastness and vitality within the strokes.
Yang Lizhou’s Chinese paintings have a unique charm that sets them apart from others. Traditional Chinese painting does not adhere to focal perspective, does not emphasize the effects of light and shadow, nor does it strictly follow the physical likeness of objects, instead, it often conveys the artist’s personal feelings. Yang, however, seeks to capture both form and spirit, finding the delicate balance between resemblance and abstraction, ensuring both are equally expressed. In his creative process, he emphasizes precise form while also capturing the spirit, maintaining a balance that is both concise and profound. His brushwork is a fusion of traditional freehand techniques with modern composition, making bold yet thoughtful explorations that have proven highly successful. The spirit of freehand brushwork is infused into his modern compositions, giving them an ancient flavor. To explore the path of modern Chinese art, one should borrow from Western strengths but especially promote the freehand spirit, which values simplicity and intention. The combination of freehand brushwork and modern composition leads to simplified forms and strengthened individuality, offering a method to address the modernity of Chinese art.
Yang Lizhou’s style, forged through years of trials, has remained consistent, marked by grace and ease, with his Chinese paintings especially celebrated. With just a few strokes, he can evoke a profound mood, often focusing on figures, as seen in works like “The Marriage of Xiao Erhei” and “Four Women.” His art provokes deep reflection, encouraging viewers to pursue honesty, embrace nature, and cultivate a heart of simplicity. His figure paintings, like falling petals, subtly convey human emotion, exuding a quiet elegance that invites endless appreciation.
At the end of the 20th century, as the tides of change surged, whether tracing back to tradition or pursuing new trends, all painters found themselves at a new beginning. Yet each followed their own path, progressing towards their inner ideals. For a century, the future of Chinese painting has remained uncertain. What Yang Lizhou thinks of this is not easily discerned, but his artistic journey shows him to be someone who avoids rigid extremism. He does not set a fixed model to follow in his work, nor does he confine himself to a single style while rejecting others. Such artists may gain temporary recognition, but they often struggle to leave a lasting legacy. Yang’s nature is gentle and accommodating, and hisapproach to art is similarly steady, progressing with purpose towards enduring goals. His works from different periodsreveal the depth of his inner world and the richness of his artistic philosophy.
Yang Lizhou is a model of integrating Eastern and Western techniques. In his ideas, he merges the strengths of both; in hispractice, he draws broadly from various sources; in his skills, he excels in both Chinese and Western styles, masteringfreehand and meticulous techniques alike. Beyond ink painting, he is also proficient in heavy color, and besides figures,he excels in landscapes and flowers and birds. His deep understanding of the essence of Chinese painting emerged during theperiod of cultural exchange and collision between East and West, amid the disruptions of the Cultural Revolution and thesubsequent societal transformation, during which he witnessed the rise and fall of Chinese painting. Yang believes thatChinese painting must be grounded in realistic representation while maintaining a focus on the beauty of imagery,emphasizing the importance of spirituality, and consistently applying these principles in practice. By incorporatingelements of Romanticism, Cubism, and expressive and symbolic forms, he developed his unique style. His works arecharacterized by grand vigor, deep sentiment, a tragic yet noble resonance, with emotions expressed as inner monologues.His brushwork, blending spontaneity and vibrant colors, breaks away from convention, creating a unique and lively visuallanguage.
Yang Lizhou’s art bridges ancient and modern, East and West, transforming inherited traditions into a new voice, creatinga grand and majestic presence. His paintings, like mighty rivers, are imbued with deep vitality, and his emotions arelofty, like towering mountains, subtle yet powerful. His brushwork flows freely but with discipline, his strokes are livelyyet precise, and the deep meanings within his works create a resonance between form and spirit, allowing viewers to journeythrough time and space. On his artistic path, he has absorbed the intricacies of ancient techniques while embracing the
innovations of the present. Yang does not seek fleeting fame or empty praise but the true essence of art, guided by a clearheart. His aspirations are lofty, unswayed by worldly concerns, as he delves into the depths of artistic truth, seekingspiritual fulfillment. Thus, his paintings are not merely fashionable but serve as a model for future generations, with hisartistic realm as vast as the heavens, as deep and unshakable as a towering peak, establishing a legacy all his own.
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