阿列克谢·舍甫琴科(Alexey Savchenko,1975-) 是一位俄罗斯画家,以其对自然景观的细腻描绘而闻名。他的作品通常以山野风光为主题,展现了自然界的壮丽和宁静。
阿列克谢·舍甫琴科,1975年出生于谢尔吉耶夫波萨德。1997年,他毕业于全俄玩具学院平面设计专业。2001年,他毕业于莫斯科师范大学(原名 N.K. Krupskaya)美术和民间工艺系。
自 2005年以来,他一直是俄罗斯艺术家创作联盟和国际艺术家联合会的成员。大部分作品被俄罗斯和国外的私人收藏。
Alexey Savchenko was born in 1975 in Sergiev Posad. In 1997 he graduated from the All-Russian College of Toys, specialty graphic designer. In 2001 he graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical University (formerly named after N.K. Krupskaya), Faculty of Fine Arts and Folk Crafts.
Since 2005, he has been a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists.Most of the works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
来源:油画世界 (ID:ArtYouhua),转载请注明。
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